Designing a Life You'll Never Regret | Episode 2

How do you live a life without regret? How can we feel empowered to influence our future? In this episode of the Toward Ihsaan podcast, we explore the answers to these questions. Beginning with the end in mind, we unravel the intricacies of the afterlife, offering listeners a glimpse into the journey that awaits beyond this worldly existence. We confront the taboo of death, transforming it from a feared unknown into a tangible reality to be embraced and prepared for. You'll learn everything: the step by step process of what happens when you die. Did you know there is a standard operating process? Delving into the mechanics of the soul's journey, we learn how our actions in this life shape our eternal fate, illuminating the path to spiritual fulfillment and a life free of regret. Listen to this episode to design your life without regret.
Designing a Life You'll Never Regret | Episode 2
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